A plan for 60 homes in Hayle has finally been approved by Cornwall Council’s planning department after councillors originally gave the controversial scheme the nod a year ago.

The outline scheme by applicants Messrs Rogers and Clark to build the homes, 30 per cent of which will be “affordable,” on land west of Wheal Alfred Road, was approved by a council planning committee last July on the proviso of giving officers permission to sign off the development when a Section 106 agreement was signed and conditions agreed.

Planning officers have now given final approval to the outline planning permission. However, there could still be delays as technically the applicant has three years to submit a reserved matters application, or full planning, and if that is approved it could be another three years before work has to start.

The committee agreed to the proposal last year despite objections from Hayle Town Council and the area’s Cornwall councillor. The houses will be built on land which abuts the town’s football club, between two sites where plans for 100 new dwellings have previously been approved.

The town council strongly objected on the grounds that transport infrastructure to support the new houses was not in place. Peter Channon, the division member for the area, shared the town council’s concerns about wider transportation impacts caused by the development on land near Viaduct Hill and Wheal Alfred Road.

Case officer Adam Carlyon said at the time: “The concerns of Hayle Town Council and the electoral division member in terms of the wider transportation impacts of the proposal are understood. However, having considered the submissions and the comments of National Highways and the Highway Development Management Officer, the impacts of this particular development, when considered alongside extant permissions in this area, are considered to be acceptable on balance, subject to conditions and a transportation planning obligation.”

Alex Graves, on behalf of the applicants, said the development would include affordable housing prioritised for local people, with contributions toward transport, education, employment and open space, and transfer of land for a roundabout.