The Golowan Festival of Penzance began on Sunday as town crier Philip Northcott and Penzance Silver Band lead the Parade of dignitaries through the town from St Johns Hall to a service at the church of St John the Baptist.

The Civic Parade was made up of the mayor of Penzance, the mace bearers, the town clerk, the town crier, visiting mayors and councillors from neighbouring parishes, town councillors, honorary Freemen and prize winners, community groups and the Golowan Festival team.

At dusk the torch lit procession gathered at the top of Chapel Street with people suitably dressed for the occasion.

Golowan torch lit procession
The torch lit procession going through Chapel Street (Picture: Howard Phillips)

People of all ages enjoyed the event as they processed through Chapel Street, Penzance to the music of the Golowan Band. They finished at the harbour near the Dock Tavern where they continued to entertain the crowd with music and dance.

The word Golowan is made up of two Cornish words: ’Gool Jowan’. Gool means feast or festival and Jowan which is Cornish for John. Golowan means ‘Feast of John’ as St John the Baptist is the patron saint of Penzance.

The Golowan Festival will continue all week finishing with Mazey Day on Saturday and Quay Fair day on Sunday.

Golowan torch lit procession 2
The procession finished at the harbour near the Dock Tavern (Picture: Howard Phillips)