TWO Cornish mothers are taking on this year’s London Marathon to raise money for babies’ charity Tommy’s.  

Rosie Bown and Gemma Curnow are set to take on this demanding challenge to help support the largest charity in the UK that carries out vital research into the causes of miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and baby loss. 

Rosie, who lives in Penwith with her partner Ben and three-year-old son Joseph, said: “It was a personal choice to run for Tommys as we experienced two miscarriages before we fell pregnant with Joseph. Tommys was a charity that I sought help and support from. I’m joined by my friend Gemma who is also running for Tommys as she has experienced a miscarriage as well.” 

Rosie started fundraising last summer with the aim to raise more than £4,000 for the babies’ charity. She’s been fortunate to have received donations from local businesses such as Reds Group, Trink Dairy and Join. These contributions have also helped to organise a handful of fundraising events. 

She has previously run in seven half marathons and has completed the gruelling 26-mile Edinburgh Marathon in 2022, but this year will be her first time running in London. 

In preparation for this month’s marathon, Rosie explained: “I started training in January of this year and like most people in Cornwall and the UK it’s been a battle against the elements with the constant wind and rain. And as the long runs started, it was quite a challenge, running 20 miles some weeks in the rain. 

“I completed Falmouth Half Marathon in March, which was a fantastic event. I’m very excited to be running in London and swapping the Cornish hills for some flatter ground.

“I am also running the London marathon in memory of my gran who sadly passed last Christmas and as part of my fundraising, I’ve been doing memory miles, where I will celebrate and dedicate one of my 26 miles to someone's loved one and attach a ribbon with their name on.” 

Currently Rosie and Gemma have raised more than £3,400 through their JustGiving page.  

To lend your support and donate, visit: