RESIDENTS living in a St Austell street that has been closed to traffic for months have been told significant excavations are needed to deal with two historical mining features that have been discovered.

In the summer, an emergency road closure was brought in by Cornwall Council at the junction of Morcom Close and Roslyn Close.

At the time, the council said: “Following a period of monitoring of the highway subsidence at the Morcom Close - Roslyn Close junction, there is evidence of slight movement/instability and, therefore, for the safety of highway users, Cornwall Council will be organising for a closure of the road and footway in the affected area whilst further investigations take place.

“Fencing will be installed around the two sections – one on the footway and one within the carriageway in the junction area.”

Diversions were put in around the road closure.

Now the council has told residents: “Our detailed investigations into the two historical mining features have determined that significant excavation is required to secure these areas.

“Additionally, the progress of our work has been delayed by the need to address considerable utility services located directly above both mining features which present additional complexities to the project.”

The council said it has engaged in extensive discussions with the utility providers and has impressed upon them the need to swiftly progress works.

The excavation of the historical mining features is anticipated to start around the end of January.

The council says the old mining features beneath the street in St Austell will require substantial excavation. Picture: Paul Williams
The council says the old mining features beneath the street in St Austell will require substantial excavation. Picture: Paul Williams (Picture: Paul Williams)

The council has told residents: “We have finalised the designs and have all the necessary resources to expedite the project once our operations can begin.

“We understand the inconvenience and share your frustration caused by the unexpected delays in completing the work.

“Co-ordination with the utility providers is critical in ensuring the project’s successful completion and we want to assure you that we are committed to achieving a thorough resolution.

‘Please be aware that projects of this nature can present future challenges once excavation begins. We will address any issues promptly as they arise.”