THE Plymouth and Truro Oddfellows held a highly successful annual general meeting attended by officers, committee members and members from the various lodges and friendship groups in the district.

Chairing the meeting, which opened with the singing of a musically accompanied traditional ode, Provincial Grand Master, local businessman Bill Cook, presided over the delivery of financial and welfare reports as well as plans for the year ahead.

Pete English, district secretary, reported a thorough audit had been conducted by independent accountants and that the district’s considerable investments and accounts were found to be in good order and with funded plans for lodge building maintenance.

The meeting heard of examples of both the practical and financial support given to members in need and also of charitable donations which had been made in the past year together with the activities of the individual friendship groups across Cornwall and Plymouth.

A formal ceremony saw Bill pass his chains and symbols of office to the newly elected Provincial Grand Master, Tina English who assumes the role with Bill being appointed as Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master, so remaining as a district officer, district committee member and active member of the Loyal Cornubian Lodge.

Tina responded to her appointment as Provincial Grand Master said: “I pay tribute to Bill’s work during his tenure of office and am glad to have him as our Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master bringing to us his vast experience and knowledge. There is complete gender inequality in the Oddfellows with both the Grand Master and the Secretary and Chief Executive of the Order being women. We have a great balance nationally, regionally and in our own district and this enriches the organisation and brings a wide range of skills ensuring we offer the best possible support to our members.”

A musical ode of friendship saw the meeting closed followed by a ‘pasty and pint’ lunch together with a wide range of other mouth watering refreshments. Meeting for a variety of activities in Redruth, Truro, Plymouth and other locations and with all the benefits of a well-established friendly society.