A marvellous evening of seasonal fun, friendship, song, entertainment was enjoyed by members of The Plymouth and Truro Oddfellows Friendly Society who met for a pre-Christmas social gathering in Oddfellows Hall, Green Lane, Redruth.
The evening included an astonishing display of mentalism to equal that of Derren Brown’s, a prize quiz which was accompanied by a range of buffet food, cakes and pasties.

A prize raffle raised funds for local charity and members of the Oddfellows Groups across the Plymouth and Truro District have made many charitable gifts this past year to a wide variety of local causes as well as being there to support those members in need.
The time honoured motto of the Oddfellows, ‘Friendship, Love and Truth’, has been well demonstrated in many ways during 2024 and in addition to the unique benefits offered to its members and charitable support given at local, national and international levels, members have been active in a number of community based initiatives culminating in entertainment offered to long term and elderly patients in a local Cornish hospital to brighten their Christmas.

Plymouth and Truro District Oddfellows is part of one of the UK’s oldest and largest friendly societies and always welcomes new members of all ages and genders. It aims to improve people’s lives through friendship and support.
The Oddfellows website (www.oddfellows.co.uk) has a wealth of information about the society and the support it offers.