At the monthly gathering of the Oddfellows Friendship Group in Truro, senior past provincial grand master and lifelong member Frank Eva from Falmouth, took the opportunity to present Plymouth and Truro district secretary Pete English with a unique personal gift, the heraldic coat of arms of the Oddfellows Friendly Society combined with the Royal Coat of Arms exquisitely cast in bronze.

The item is certainly an antique and of great age and Frank informed the members present that most of these bronze heraldic emblems had been handed in to the authorities during the Second World War to assist with the provision of raw materials for the production of munitions.

The bronze Heraldic item.
The bronze Heraldic item (Submitted)

Frank said: “My membership of the Oddfellows Friendly Society dates back to when I was born and I was made a member by my parents.”

“That was a long, long time ago and I have never regretted being in the Oddfellows, an organisation which has brought me so much friendship down the years and which does so much good for its members and others.

“I have met Oddfellows as far away as Australia and once you are a member, you are never without a friend or assistance when it is needed. I am giving this unique item to Peter to thank him for everything that he and his wife, Tina do on behalf of us all.”

Peter responded: “I am overwhelmed to receive this unique gift from our friend and member Frank who is the senior Past Provincial Grand Master in the Plymouth and Truro District Oddfellows.

“I have not previously seen an item such as this and it is a beautifully crafted piece and extremely old. Thank you so much Frank and Val for your membership, steadfast loyalty and support down many years.”