NEWQUAY’S Sector Inspector Guy Blackford is moving to pastures new following five years of being in charge of policing in the town.

Insp Blackford has worked on various initiatives to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour including a Safe Space scheme and a crackdown on shoplifting.

Newquay Police Station is due to find out who will be replacing Insp Blackford sometime this week.

Mayor Drew Creek said: “Our thanks to Insp Blackford who has served Newquay very well over the last five years as Inspector of Newquay Police. He is moving on from that role and we wait eagerly to hear who is replacing him. “We would like to thank Inspector Blackford for all his hard work and the time he has taken answering all our questions. He has worked with a good number of us over the past five years exploring issues and ensuring Newquay is a safe place to live, visit and work.”