Students are celebrating success after taking part in a scholars programme.

Fourteen Year 9 students from Treviglas Academy, Newquay, participated in the Brilliant Club Scholars Programme, which offers secondary school students a unique opportunity to delve into higher education and develop essential skills crucial for their future academic endeavours.

They engaged in a series of seven university-style tutorials throughout the programme, led by Abbie Pink, a dedicated PhD tutor from Exeter University, focusing on the tutor’s area of research expertise.

The initiative not only allowed students to explore stimulating, supra-curricular topics but also aided in honing critical academic skills essential for success across various subjects.

The Year 9 students embarked on a journey of academic exploration and personal growth.

They worked diligently to produce a final assignment of 1,500 to 2,000 words, showcasing their subject knowledge, written communication prowess, and critical thinking abilities nurtured throughout the programme.

The Treviglas Academy students were invited to a graduation event at Exeter University to commemorate their accomplishments.

The event provided them with an invaluable opportunity to celebrate their achievements, gain insight into higher education, and make informed decisions about their academic futures.

Joined by students from schools across Devon and Cornwall, the Treviglas Academy students were able to network, share experiences, and foster a deeper understanding of university-style learning.

One Treviglas student commented: “The experience was amazing. The University of Exeter, is amazing too.

“All the skills I gained on the program I have put into my daily life, from writing to public speaking. This experience has changed my mind about going to university."

Highlighting the significance of their journey, two of the Treviglas Academy graduates, Martha and Harmony, delivered a captivating speech during the ceremony.

Their inspiring words resonated with a full lecture theatre of peers and teachers, illustrating the transformative impact of The Brilliant Club Scholars Programme on their academic and personal growth.

Treviglas Academy teacher link, Claire Mildenhall said: “The Brilliant Club has given our students valuable skills to aim high beyond the curriculum.

“It was a privilege to work on the program and see our young people gain confidence and believe that higher education is a viable option for them in the future.”