I WANTED to take this opportunity to congratulate Lesley Friel who is now the new Newquay in Bloom chairperson, following Barbara Hannan stepping into a role of president.

I very much look forward to working with Lesley on many projects in the near future. I also want to extend my thanks to the whole Newquay in Bloom team of volunteers who do a great job around our town.

With spring having sprung in Newquay, now is a great time to get out in our community and get stuck into a spot of volunteer gardening. Get in touch via Newquay in Blooms Facebook or Instagram pages.

We now enter the pre-election period ahead of the May 1 town and county council elections, there will I am sure be lots of campaigning going on and many a leaflet popped through letterboxes.

It is to my mind an odd process that I am certainly familiar with but often wonder if there is a better way.

I only hope that with this election we can all work to deliver a more positive campaign though I have seen a fair amount of fear mongering already, I will certainly be campaigning on your hopes for the future rather than your fears. I hope you all had an opportunity to enjoy St Patrick’s Day this week.

Phil Trebilcock: Harbour View

After a nice spell of dry weather, easterly winds, turning milder with southerly winds, possibly a shower on Friday.

A small fishing boat has been sold and there is another two back from Wadebridge boatyard. Another gig is off to Scillies this weekend.

The boats on the quay are going back in two weeks.

No band this Saturday at the Rowing Club.

Thought for the week: “The roots of happiness grow in the soil of gratitude.”