NEWQUAY Male Voice choir is taking to the road for its next concert.

The choir will be appearing with guests the Tresillian Singers at Probus Village Hall on Friday, July 5 at 7pm. 

Jim Christophers, the co-chairman of Newquay Male Voice Choir, said: “Both choirs will present an evening of song that is designed to cure the hangover of the General Election, bringing sunshine and joy as an antidote to the gloom and despondency of the political wrangling that we have all endured.

“What better way to spend an evening than in good company being entertained with some lively music provided by two different choirs totally dedicated to entertaining everyone from the very first note to the last.”

Admission is £5 on the door and there will be a raffle and a retiring collection with all proceeds going to the choir’s nominated charity for their Golden Anniversary year, Prostate Cancer UK.