A Newquay choir is gearing up to stage its annual grand charity concert.

Newquay Male Voice Choir is staging the event at St Michael’s Church on Friday, July 19 at 7pm.

As in the past, three choirs will perform during the evening. This year there will be Nankersey Male Choir, Newquay Male Voice Choir and St Stythians Male Voice Choir. Each choir will sing a short programme selected from their own repertoire before all three choirs join together to close the evening. 

Seventy five choristers will take to the stage during the final set to create that famous Cornish male voice choir “wall of sound” as they sing male voice choir favourites, American Trilogy, Gwahoddiad and Morte Christe. The communal singing of Trelawny will provide a fitting end to proceedings.

The proceeds of the evening will be donated to Prostate Cancer UK, the charity selected as the beneficiary of fundraising in Newquay Male Voice Choir’s 50th anniversary year. 

Jim Christophers, the co-chairman of Newquay Male Voice Choir said: “All this can be enjoyed for an admission fee of only £5, although there will be a raffle and a retiring collection.

“Male voice choirs in Cornwall, as with the rest of the country, tend to be made up of men of a certain age.  Prostate cancer is an ever-present spectre in organisations such as this, touching the lives of many members and their families. 

“At their Grand Gala Anniversary Concert in November Newquay MVC expects to be able to present a substantial amount to the charity that not only supports those affected but also champions and supports research in the field.

“As their website states, one in eight men get prostate cancer.  Together, we’re supporting our dads, brothers, partners and friends by raising awareness, funding life-changing research, campaigning for change and providing much needed support.”