IT was certainly not checkmate for a Newquay chess club after being donated a giant chess set.
Newquay Chess, which meets at Newquay Library and the Hotel Victoria, received funding to buy the chess set from the Cornwall County Chess Association to help expand the game.

John Fernley from Newquay Chess, said: “With the aim to expand chess playing in Cornwall, we are very excited to use our new set at upcoming events.
“There was great excitement as many people played with the new set in the library garden on Saturday.
“Newquay Chess was founded in 2021, initially with one session a week, since expanding to two weekly sessions of over five hours of free chess a week in Newquay.
“We have merged with the previous Newquay club and appreciate how supportive they have been.
“In the past year we’ve welcomed hundreds of players from absolute beginners to seasoned competition players and even a grand master.
“Newquay Chess has helped to grow a vibrant and free multi-generation community around chess in Newquay which is welcoming to all.
“We are free, inclusive and help to foster learning, sportsmanship and excellent attitude to chess and to life.
“We compete in the quickplay league, minor league, the County Shield and the Busby Cup with Cornwall Chess and are delighted to be having some fantastic success in our first competitive season.
“Several of our players also competed in the inaugural Newquay rapid play competition at The Griffin Inn in February, with one of our dedicated juniors, Annabel Wise, winning a prize for best Newquay junior player.
“As a free club, Newquay Chess are incredibly grateful to generous businesses like Victoria Hotel, without whose support we wouldn't have been able to expand to a second weekly session, as well as the amazing and continued support from Newquay library who have housed us for over two years and helped in numerous other ways.
“We have received generous funding twice from Newquay Town Council and with this incredible support from Cornwall County Chess Association we are again so indebted to the community for our continued growth.
“Thanks to our team captains and volunteers who help the club run smoothly.
“We are looking forwards we hope to continue to welcome players of all ages and abilities at Newquay Library and Hotel Victoria. We will continue to enter Cornish leagues. We will remain free to all, and welcome donations to help maintain the basic running costs.”
Ian George, secretary of the Cornwall Chess Trust said: "We are very happy to support John Fernley and his colleagues in their successful efforts to promote chess in the Newquay area.
“We are sure that the new equipment will be put to good use."