A Newquay author has published a new children’s book which conveys a child’s perspective on navigating their way through growing up.

Vicki Baxter’s new publication, entitled ‘Esme's Life as a Ten-Year-Old’, follows the funny and truthful story of the rollercoaster ride of life of a 10-year-old.

Esme's Life as a Ten-Year-Old,
Esme’s Life of a Ten-Year-old (Submitted)

She decided to write the book after her eldest daughter opened up about her feelings, which they compiled into the title.

Esme talks about growing up with her younger sister, juggling school, hobbies, pets and two very different parenting styles.

Vicki said: “The reason I decided the write this book is because my eldest daughter likes to talk to me about things that happen in her life and is very honest about her feelings, so we compiled it together from things she has talked about.”

Vicki has experienced a varied career as a tennis coach, prison custody officer and sales representative in the confectionery market following her graduation with a Leisure Management and Sports degree.

She works four days a week and enjoys using her day off writing, cold water sea swimming and exercising. Vicki’s previous publications include a rhyming picture and activity book called ‘Our World and Me.’ A children’s fantasy story called ‘The Hatteme Tales.’

Vicki has also published a book about her previous work experience called ‘Incarcerated – A Young Offender Institute Through the Eyes of an Officer,’ and a selection of poetry in various books.

Her inspiration to start writing came from composing poems for her friends at secondary school. This led to her nan suggesting she enter one of them into a competition. ‘The Perfect Wave’ was a success and was published in a poetry collection. Writing has become a passion and something to give to her daughters as they grow up and have their own families.

Esme's Life as a Ten-Year-Old’, produced by Blossom Spring Publishing, is available now on Amazon. The publisher stated: “Meet Esme. The girl with two houses, but not because she is super rich, but because her parents are divorced.”

To purchase the book and for more information on the publishers, visit: www.blossomspringpublishing.com/shop/esmes-life-as-a-ten-year-old