CORNWALL Airport Newquay has been rated highly for the help it gives disabled passengers.

The UK Civil Aviation Authority has judged the airport as ‘very good’ for its accessibility performance.

The regulator has ranked every airport in the UK – with an annual passenger volume of more than 150,000 – on their accommodation and treatment of passengers with reduced mobility and disabilities in its annual Airport Accessibility report.

The regulator’s Airport Accessibility Framework has helped drive improvements at airports across the UK in the past decade.

Cornwall Airport Newquay was one of 11 airports rated ‘very good’ for accessibility, 12 airports were rated ‘good’, and only five airports were rated as ‘needs improvement’.

Anna Bowles, the head of consumer policy and enforcement at the UK Civil Aviation Authority, said: “Making aviation accessible to all is an important part of our work to protect the public and enable the aerospace sector.

“Progress is being made, and not rating any airports ‘poor’ this year is welcome, but there’s more work to do, especially by those airports we have rated ‘needs improvement’ in our report.

“We will continue to work with the sector to ensure that standards are maintained and improved.”