Truro City Council has appointed David Rodda MBE as the new town clerk for Truro. 

David was previously the interim town clerk, and his position was made permanent following a robust recruitment process which attracted candidates from across the UK. 

The city council had been without a permanent town clerk for several months before David’s temporary appointment at the beginning of March. He has since been working with councillors, management team members and partners to progress key development projects and ensure delivery of high-quality services to the local community. 

David has over 20 years’ experience of economic development, grant delivery and town regeneration in Cornwall. He was previously the economic growth manager for Cornwall Council, which involved working to revitalise town centres. He is looking forward to using his skills and experience in place-shaping and economic regeneration in Truro.

City mayor Carol Swain said she was “absolutely delighted” David had accepted the offer.

“Like other councils, we have faced a number of significant challenges,” she said. “We are looking forward to working with David and deputy clerk Esther Greig to address these and help the city council continue to move forward over the coming months.”

David said: “This is a key moment for our city with several major projects coming to fruition over the coming months. At the same time, we are continuing to face some significant financial challenges. 

“I am very excited by the opportunity to play my part in supporting the council to lead the city’s regeneration, and ensure that the benefits are delivered in all our communities – not just the city centre. 

“The aim of the city council is to make Truro a ‘Great Little City’ for everyone who lives, works and visits here. To achieve this, we need a ‘Great City Council’ which is delivering the high-quality services that people and businesses want, at the same time as providing great value for money.  

“I am looking forward to working with councillors, staff and all our partners to deliver our ambitious aim and ensure we have a city and a council everyone is proud of.”