NEW plans have been submitted to build a housing scheme on the site of an old railway sidings depot in Newquay.

The planning application involves constructing eight houses at the sidings off Trevemper Road on land south west of Trevithick Gate.

The amended scheme aims to address the principal highways concerns of the previous planning application to provide safe pedestrian access without going onto the adjacent A392, which involves creating a pedestrian link to the public footpath.

A spokesperson for the developer Sidings Development Limited said: “The proposal is for the construction of eight new open market dwellings.

“The site was formerly and old railway sidings depot for coal and goods, latterly being use for mixed light industrial and workspace for the likes of builder’s merchants and motorcar workshops/sales.

“In 2014 the site was partially demolished and since has fallen into complete disrepair with dangerous structures notices placed upon each remaining building. In 2021 the remaining buildings were demolished, and the site cleared.

“Adjoining the site to the west is a major housing development site being built out by Wainhomes, whilst to the north there are localised individual plots comprising a house and bungalow, with random outbuildings of no specific vernacular or style.

“The site comprises of housing using a mix of traditional and contemporary styles, whilst utilising the site levels and referencing the heights and scale of the original now demolished buildings on the site.”

Newquay Town Council’s planning committee has objected to the scheme.

A spokesperson said: “Members have concerns regarding the safe access and egress of the site onto the A392. They would like a highways officer to look at this.

“They also regret the loss of green spaces and believe the amount of tarmac used in the design is excessive in light of the size of the accommodation.

“In line with Newquay Neighbourhood Plan the applicant is encouraged to explore opportunities for including high levels of environmental sustainability, such as renewable energy sources and rainwater harvesting, as part of the overall design.

“As an additional sustainability measure, councillors would also ask that opportunities for 'grey water recycling' be considered for inclusion wherever possible within the scheme.”