NEWQUAY University is on a mission to redefine the landscape of conservation education.

Graduates and conservation enthusiasts can now apply for a new and hands-on master of science (MSc) degree in ‘Conservation Project’.

The Newquay-based campus, part of The Cornwall College Group, is launching its transformative course from this September, in partnership with the University of Plymouth.

The level 7 MSc degree has been created to address a recognised shortfall in essential skills amongst some graduates of traditional zoology or wildlife conservation degrees.

The course will not only bridge the gap but also produce confident and experienced alumnus ready to make an environmentally positive impact.

Designed in collaboration with the esteemed advice centre, Conservation Careers, Newquay University Centre will equip students with skills in conservation project design and management, alongside expertise in conservation funding and communications.

Ruth Martin, head of campus, said: “The launch marks an exciting moment for conservationists, environmentalists and ecologists of the future.

“By equipping our students with the multifaceted expertise and real-world practices, we are empowering them to thrive in their chosen careers.

 “This specialised course will inspire our learners to foster critical thinking and self-driven growth. It’s not just about learning, it’s about becoming catalysts for change in the conservation sector.”