PZ Arts Lab has recently launched a new exhibition at the Wharfside Art Hub in Penzance.

The exhibition, called “The Everyday Art Show” reflects Penzance’s newest artist collective’s aims of widening the audience for art in all its forms across Cornwall. Launched earlier this month, the exhibition focuses on how art is for everyone and how it can create a sense of community.

Running until the end of July, co-founder of PZ Arts Lab, Peter Kinkead said: “We are very happy to be returning to the space which we originally created way back in April.

“We see ourselves as opening up a gallery space that is Gallery+! The plus being a range of workshops that are open to the public. We have plans for sessions on creativity, wellbeing, a woman’s group, a drumming circle, children’s art workshops, film, documentary and musical evenings.”

These extra events reflect the wide range of talent and interests we have in this collective and we hope the public will respond positively to what we are creating here.

Victoria Dinham, also PZ Arts Lab co-founder, said “One of PZ Arts Lab’s aims is to find funding for these activities so they can continue to be made available at low cost to the community. We hope to bring a unique and distinctive artistic perspective to everyone and develop a longer term base within the Penzance area and wider across Cornwall.”

The new exhibition consists of six artists, including two artists that didn’t participate in the original PZ Arts Lab Show in May. Victoria also said “We are working to find new artists, unrepresented in the current structure. It’s very exciting to provide opportunities for local talent to share their work and be seen perhaps for the very first time.”

Wharfside Art Hub is an exciting development for the Wharfside Centre, which is being reimagined to provide an exciting mixed use space in the heart of Penzance with a focus on art, food, leisure, and living.

List of workshops taking place at Wharfside in the next week:

Drumming Circle: Saturday, July 27 at 4pm-5pm.

Children’s Arts Group: Saturday, July 27 at 11am-12pm.

Creativity Workshop - Wednesday August 24, Friday August 26 & Wednesday August 31 at 4pm-5.30pm.

Women’s Circle - Tuesday, August 30 at 7pm-8.30pm.

Music/Film Night & Art Auction: Saturday, August 27 at 6.30pm-8:30pm.

For more information, contact Peter by either phoning on 07811 352289 or emailing at: [email protected]