Canon Simon Robinson will be installed as the sixth Dean of Truro on January 21 in a service officiated by the Bishop of St Germans, The Right Rev'd Hugh Nelson.

Canon Simon has been with Truro Cathedral since October 2022, first as Interim Dean then more recently as Dean-Designate.

This celebratory service will form part of Choral Evensong, starting at 4pm. Music will be sung by Truro Cathedral Choir, including at Canon Simon’s request pieces by Dobrinka Tabakova, a former resident composer at the cathedral. The Reverend Prebendary Stephen Stuckes, Rector of the Cuckmere Churches in the Diocese of Chichester, will preach.

All are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served after the service.

Previously vicar of Minehead, Canon Simon said: ”It is a privilege to have been called to Truro Cathedral and to Cornwall. I am ever grateful for the kind and warm welcome that I have received, and look forward to continuing the work of this great cathedral, a place of worship, hospitality and welcome for everyone who lives and works and visits Cornwall.”

Rt Revd Hugh Nelson added: “After more than a year as Interim Dean, I have come to admire and value Dean Simon’s gifts as a pastor, leader and disciple of Jesus Christ. I am absolutely delighted to be formalising his role in Cornwall’s wonderful cathedral and am deeply grateful that he has responded to the call to serve in Truro.”