Neighbours of a care home, which was closed in 2022 as it was deemed no longer fit for purpose, are scared their lives will be ruined if a larger replacement home is built in its place.

Proposals for a new 57-bed care home have already been opposed by Truro City Council, which has stated it is an “unneighbourly scheme”.

The Sanctuary Group, a leading housing and care provider, has applied to Cornwall Council to redevelop the site of Mountford House at Kenwyn, Truro, to provide an “innovative and modern care home” alongside 22 parking spaces and landscaped gardens.

Sanctuary acquired Cornwall Care in 2022 and entered into a strategic partnership with the council to deliver a programme of renewal, replacement and further development of the Cornwall Care portfolio.

A planning statement says: “This development will be a positive addition to the supply of specialist accommodation for the elderly, increasingly in need in Cornwall and across the UK, and meet the strategic aims of the partnership.

The proposed development is designed to meet current care regulations whilst creating a welcoming and nurturing environment, mindful of the surrounding community.”

However, many in the surrounding community disagree. The city council objected to the plan in November, claiming it is unneighbourly due to its height and the adverse effect that it may have on nearby residents with regard to loss of sunlight and loss of privacy through overlooking.

The council’s planning committee noted “the massing of the development within a site that cannot accommodate the proposal without encroaching upon the neighbouring residents’ enjoyment of their properties.”

The new design replaces the existing crucifix form of the original 36-bed home, which was built in the 1960s.

The new facility would be two-and-a-half storeys high – two storeys plus a storey with lowered eaves and dormer windows. Neighbours argue it would feel more like three storeys.

A number of residents have aired their concerns on the council’s online planning portal. Jennifer Marshall said: “My property is situated immediately in front of Mountford House. Two thirds of the building will directly overlook my house and garden.

“This building will have a significant negative impact on my home and garden where I have lived for 48 years. The increase from single storey to three will have an unacceptable dominating and overbearing effect on myself and the neighbourhood.”

Elen Mitchell wrote: “The area would certainly benefit from building another nursing home to increase capacity for nursing care in the community and, in principle, building another nursing home on the Mountford House site is a good idea, until the scale of the proposed building for this particular site is evident.

“The proposed development will be three times as tall as the existing building (additional floor and a pitched roof), with a footprint that extends right to the border of the plot on three aspects.

The consideration of the visual impact of the new development within the proposed plan is very reassuring from the other side of the Truro Bowl, but glosses over the impact on the immediate neighbours.”

Kalavathi Kumaresan, who lives at nearby Chainwalk Drive, added: “My home will be one of those most impacted by the proposed redevelopment due to the close proximity and shared boundary with the site.

“Though I have no objection to the development of the much-needed care home … the scale of the proposed new build, which is much larger than the current footprint of Mountford House, will have a significant impact on all the residential homes on all sides.

“This is a major concern as more than half of the rooms in our home will be directly visible with no privacy.”

Like a number of other neighbours, Steve Littler also has misgivings about parking and vehicle access. “Traffic to the existing care home regularly resulted in many vehicles blocking Cyril Road to the extent that it was impossible to get a fire tender, ambulance or any other large vehicle anywhere near the building.”

He added that during the construction phase, access to two properties would be restricted which would mean cars having to reverse all the way back onto the busy main road in and out of Truro. “This dangerous practice needs to be rethought,” said Mr Littler.

Another resident, Ian Hambly, added: “The additional height of the building including a pitched roof with solar panels will severely impact the quality of life of those immediate neighbours such as ourselves.”

Sanctuary’s application says the redevelopment of Mountford House enables the re-use of a brownfield site, relieving pressure on available development land in the surrounding area while meeting and increasing the amount of available care spaces required within the community.

“This is a unique opportunity to redevelop the site to provide a modern and efficient care home, a leading care facility, serving Truro and the community beyond,” added the applicant.

All 57 bedrooms would be fully en suite and provide accommodation for the elderly requiring varying levels of constant care.

Communal areas would be provided including dining facilities on each floor of accommodation, additional care and treatment rooms, and activity facilities.