A thriving community café in West Cornwall which has been called ‘life-changing’ and ‘the highlight of my week’ has received funding from Devon & Cornwall Police to support its mission of enriching lives and combating loneliness.

Nancegollan Community Café was launched in September 2022 by a village hall team of 10 volunteers, with six people focussing on the cafe. 

It offers a lifeline to people who live in a rural area centring on the village, by providing a warm space to meet up with people whilst enjoying food and drink in a supportive place.

The community café is free to attend and runs every Thursday from 10am-1pm.

Money seized from criminals has been donated by the Cornwall and Isles and Scilly (CIOS) police team through the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA).  

POCA was established to deprive a convicted criminal of financial benefit from their crimes and empowers the Police with the sale of assets to pay off their confiscation order with surplus funds being invested into local community projects.

Police community support officer Julia Berry said: “We’ve donated £500 to the community hall because of the amazing work they are doing for their community. I visited the community café to share advice and meet people and I was inspired by what they were doing. 

“I asked what they were looking to achieve and whether additional funding might be useful, and they mentioned they wanted to be able to cook in the venue and that new kitchen equipment would be useful.

“I’m thrilled the funding application was approved and delighted that I have been able to make a difference to the community café. 

“Since the pandemic many community groups in rural areas have struggled to reform but the volunteers at this café have been amazing getting it off the ground and open to all members of the community especially in this time of austerity where many people are finding it difficult to make ends meet.”

Sonja Bright, trustee and events organiser of Nancegollan Village Hall said: “I’ve been blown away by the success of the community café and all of the support coming in. 

“My mother was a founding trustee of the Hall and I’ve been getting involved with community activities for a long time. I saw an opportunity to get more involved when the hall was about to fold due to inactivity and went along to an AGM in 2017 to offer my support.

 “It’s a beautiful rural village which has limited public transport connections, so we wanted to use the community hall as a warm hub, with costs increasing and especially after covid made people increasingly isolated, as we knew some people who hadn’t been out for years and that they might be struggling.

“From the start the community café was a success and we opened the doors to 23 people. People often tell me they have spoken to neighbours here who they had never met before and there can be up to 60 people attending on a Thursday.

“We started as a warm hub, but it has grown to be an all-year-round social gathering. Attracting outlying and former residents who’ve “got wind” of the meeting place and have come to the cafe to reacquaint with former neighbours and friends. 

“It’s created a feel-good factor and a “wellbeing” atmosphere. Visitors are interacting and happy to chat away in a relaxed environment. It’s some people’s highlight of the week, they tell me they live for Thursdays.

“The cafe is an empowering place and people can come to build their confidence and feel braver. 

“We have also seen a massive knock-on effect for the hall overall; our bowls club has doubled in size and games nights including bingo and quiz nights are thriving. 

“Some people might be lonely or struggling to afford food and they can come to the café for company, to be part of their community and to feel as if they belong.”

“Funding from Devon & Cornwall Police will help us improve the food we offer to give hot food to help keep people warm and will include a professional sandwich press and basic kitchen equipment such as big pans which we have been borrowing.”

“We welcome more support and donations and are hoping to hear from the parish councillor and Cornwall Council regarding our funding applications which we hope will enable us to improve toilet facilities, access and kitchen space with an extension.”