A top civil servant from Truro has been appointed MBE in the King’s Birthday honours list.

Clare Pooley, 54, has worked at the House of Commons since 1992, and is currently chief of staff for three Conservative MPs.

She was nominated for her long service at Westminster, in particular during the pandemic.

While the position is a political appointment, Clare and her team are paid by the taxpayer and are not involved in political work such as campaigning.

“We work for the constituency, doing our best for the people who live in the area, no matter who they voted for,” she explains.

“Politics isn’t a profession that gets you much thanks, especially the people in the background, so it’s nice to get some recognition. I wish I could share it with all the people I work with, because they are all deserving.”

One of her main jobs is to handle correspondence, which was especially challenging during lockdown. “I was waking up at 4am to find my inbox full of messages because no one knew how to deal with anything,” said Clare, who lives near Sunny Corner.

“The self-employed who hadn’t had any help; taxi drivers and dog walkers asking if they could work; businesses going bust. It was awful, and none of it had anything to do with politics.”

She also helps new MPs settle into the ways of Westminster life and, in a non-political capacity, visits local WIs, schools, guide groups etc to encourage them to get involved in democracy. “If you don’t like the way things are run, your voice is as valid as anyone else’s.”

A “recent emigree”, Clare moved to Truro following the pandemic, joining her husband as a permanent remote worker. “My grandmother was from Polperro and I had very fond childhood memories of Cornwall,” she said.

“I was keen to give my youngest daughter the Cornish experience, and Truro has been such a wonderful place to move to - it’s so welcoming.”

Clare will receive her medal from a member of the Royal Family at a royal residence yet to be confirmed.