I HOPE you’ll join me and much of our community today, Wednesday, March 5, in celebrating St Piran’s Day.
St Piran, an outsider to Cornwall, arrived by sea and became our patron saint.
His story feels especially relevant in today’s Cornwall, reminding us of the importance of welcoming those from beyond our shores, integrating them into our community, and recognising how they can enrich our lives.
So, I wish you all a Gool Peran Lowen.
As many of you know, I strive to keep my messaging positive and avoid the low standards some resort to.
It’s crucial to demonstrate that politics can be a force for good, and engaging in misinformation or misleading tactics only erodes trust in councils and damages our credibility.
I often reflect on Michelle Obama’s words: “When they go low, we go high.”
This week, I was pleased to see that a councillor was found in breach of the code of conduct following his online comments about the Mount Wise Centre and my employer, who rents office space there.
I won’t elaborate further, but I’d like to thank the deputy mayor and town clerk, both strong advocates for our community, for their role in ensuring our politics isn’t dragged into the mud of populist rhetoric and divisive culture wars.
Phil Trebilcock: Harbour View
Nice start to the week.
There is a little bit of change to SW winds and a few showers from tomorrow.
Tonight (Wednesday) is the Trelawny Shout at 9pm in the Rowing Club.
Then Saturday there is a pasty competition at 6pm at The Cornishman, followed by Rowing Club Singers at 7.30pm.
This Saturday in the rowing club is a quiz night. All welcome.
Thought for the week: “It’s not the harvest you reap, but the seeds you lay.”