AN Elizabethan manor house near Newquay will be bringing history to life by staging a hawk and falconry display.

The National Trust’s Trerice Manor at Kestle Mill is hosting Raphael Historic Falconry on Wednesday, May 29 and Thursday, May 30.

The specialist falconers will be donning Tudor outfits as they combine birds, stories, costumes and history to provide educational entertainment.  

Flying demonstrations will be at 11am, 1pm and 3pm in the mowhay field at Trerice, and visitors will be able to view resting birds in a recreation Hawk Mews, chat to the Elizabethan falconers and listen to period stories throughout both days. 

A falconry display (Picture: Raphael Historic Society) ( )

Gareth Lay, the general manager for the National Trust at Trerice, said: “We’re really excited to have Raphael Historic Falconry back at Trerice after the birds were previously displayed on the parade ground.

“We now have even more space in the mowhay field where the falconers can share their knowledge and information in a bigger and better setting”. 

Visitors to Trerice during half term can also enjoy a collection of archival material dating from the 1950s gathered on the Great Hall table, as well as a selection of outdoor period games on the kayling lawn. Normal admission charges apply.