MAJOR plans to increase the built-up area of St Newlyn East by around a third have been submitted to Cornwall Council.

A developer proposes to construct 132 dwellings, including affordable housing, link road, public open space including a village green on three agricultural fields off Halt Road at the Newlina Meadows development.

The 7.36 hectares of land was identified by the local community as a preferred residential development site due to its sustainable location directly to the south of existing housing and close to the village centre.

The “much-needed” link road would aims to “substantially reduce” the traffic that uses the village.

The area proposed for the new development has a red outline ( )

Grainge Architects, on behalf of applicant Gilbert & Goode, said: “This application has been developed with a sensitive approach to the existing landscape.

“The design process has been thorough, involving early engagement with the parish council and local planning authority through a formal pre-application process.

“The proposals offer a development which responds directly to the needs of the site and demonstrates sound urban design rational - offering a safe, legible and attractive environment.

“A legible hierarchy of streets is clearly defined with strong frontage and is structured to create perimeter blocks.

“Public spaces are well overlooked, and buildings are located to address key spaces and to ensure vistas are terminated with positive frontage.

“The proposals incorporate retained landscape assets into an integrated green infrastructure and deliver significant areas of natural green space.

“The resulting proposals offer a high-quality development which will meet the needs and aspirations of future residents, and the wider community whilst demonstrably not impacting on the local landscape.”

Residents are already opposing the plans due to concerns St Newlyn East will not be able to cope with the extra housing.

William McLaughlin said: “I consider that the size of the development is disproportionate to the existing size of St Newlyn East and not in keeping with what most people would expect of a village anywhere in the country, never mind Cornwall.

“The number of properties would constitute a village in its own right.

“Are all Cornish villages being increased by the same proportion of new housing to meet the crisis for local residents and young people?

“St Newlyn East is already a moderate sized village with inadequate sewage treatment facilities, inadequate roadside parking for housing that has no dedicated parking, and roads to and from the village that are already overcrowded with traffic and dangerous for anyone to walk or cycle on.

“In particular the road to Mitchell is used as a 'rat-run' from the A3075 at Cubert Crossroads for access to the A30 at Mitchell, which increases risk for anyone using Sweets Dairy, a local thriving business.

“This development will increase the number of residents vehicles by approximately 200, which will further add to congestion.

“The two access roads to the development will also encourage road users to 'cut through' the development, putting those who live there at risk.

“In addition, are there plans to increase the capacity of the local primary school?

“My understanding is that it is already oversubscribed, so how are school places going to be found for the children of the families that most of this housing is intended for?

“I object to this development on the grounds of it being disproportionate and the impact it will have on the sewage and energy systems.”