The main Jubilee Pool will not reopen until Easter due to repair work on the lido’s pipes.

The pool have said values, that fill the pool from the sea, need to be replaced.

Five millions litres of seawater are fed via seven values, which are now more than 50 years old.

In a statement the pool said: “Time has not been kind to them, and they have reached the end of their life cycle. We are currently working with the wonderful people at PZ Drydocks to completely replace them and make some much needed improvements alongside that.

“The build-up in the pipes has now massively reduced the volume of water which can pass through them. This has caused some delays in getting the pool to empty and refill during scheduled pool cleans which is crucial to us having fresh seawater. 

“Historically we could achieve this on two low and two high tides. The valves in their current state are also at risk of blocking, even the slightest bit of debris can close off the 15m pipe. 

“We need to get the valves back in good working order to avoid days of poolside fun being missed as we wait for the pool to fill.”

The statement added: “The main pool will remain closed until March 31 while the essential work takes place. The geothermal pool will remain open throughout and any disruptive works will be conducted on a Monday when we are closed to the public. 

“The tides look to be in our favour over the next few weeks as we go into spring tides. This will give us longer hours with the pool empty to conduct the work at low tide and big tides to get the pool filled fresh for cold water swimming – just in time for Easter.

“The maintenance list is never ending on such an old and unique lido, but the support from you all, every ticket sold, and each visit to the café helps us keep ticking off that long list.”