Camhayle Theatre Club in Wadebridge is preparing to stage its latest production.

“Laughs will be two for the price of one at the production which will feature two one-act comedies by David Tristram - Murder in Little Grimley and Lockdown in Little Grimley,” said Susan Ward, on behalf of the club.

“The plays follow the fortunes of Little Grimley Drama Club whose chairman, director and writer, Gordon, attempts to steer the three remaining members of the society towards performing his work. 

“Along the way, Gordon must tackle the consequences of Bernard’s obsession with eating bananas, Joyce’s difficulty with learning her lines, due to her dyslexic eye, and Margaret’s haughty objections to most of his ideas.

“By the beginning of the second play, the world has suffered the consequences of the pandemic. Theatres are still closed but Gordon envisages a time when audiences come together again to watch his team perform.

“There will be a collection at the end of each performance to benefit the NHS in recognition of the role they’ve played during and following the pandemic.

“The production will take place at 7.30pm from March 13 to 16 at Wadebridge Town Hall. 

“Tickets will be available on the door or in advance by calling Margaret on 07736 911284 or email [email protected]

“Camhayle Theatre Club is keen to attract new members to act or help backstage. To get involved, use either of the contact methods above.”