A business in Cornwall came to the aid of a man facing something of a Christmas quandary.  

The story began with late-night footage from outside Knit Happens, showing a man looking through the windows of the shop in Bodmin. 

This led to owner Vee Ellacott sharing the footage and asking if anyone knew the man as she was curious to know what he was looking for.  

It transpired that the man, named Dan, was trying to find the opening hours for the business after his shift as he required help with a Christmas present for his partner.  

He had bought a Harry Potter stocking kit as a gift, not realising until its arrival that it was one that required knitting.  

Dan, having no knitting skills of his own, reached out to the business for help and Vee forwarded his request to her knit and natter social group. Up stepped group member AJ who wished to give something back after the good news that her daughter had had successful surgery.  

AJ knitted the stocking free of charge and filled it with treats.  

Vee said: “Dan came to get it and couldn’t believe it, and his girlfriend was thrilled!”