AN initiative to run a regular monthly street market in Newquay to support local businesses and increase town centre footfall all year round has received a grant of £42,366.

Newquay BID has received the money from Cornwall Council’s Community Levelling Up Programme, which is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The funding has been used to provide equipment including gazebos, weights and tie down kits, and trestle tables, to run a monthly outdoor market in Newquay town centre from April to December.

The street market, which is staged In collaboration with Cornwall Shop Small and Newquay Farmers Market, showcases 40 to 50 local makers, producers and small businesses.  

The gazebos and equipment will also be available to support other outdoor markets and events in the area and will be available to hire to local businesses and community groups. 

Newquay BID manager Mark Warren, said: “This month we used our fantastic new gazebos funded by Cornwall Council through the Community Levelling Up Programme, at our monthly Big Newquay market. 

“This is a huge opportunity for locals and businesses to enjoy and grow these monthly markets and to drive footfall all year round. We are already being approached by community groups who would like to use our new gazebos. This is a very exciting time for Newquay and without the funding this wouldn't have happened.”

Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council portfolio holder for economy and Cornwall councillor for Newquay Central and Pentire, said: “This project puts the local communities at the heart of delivering an initiative that extends the opportunity to trade beyond the usual seasonal activity that will help reignite the potential of the high street all year round. 

“With potential to extend to offer to include live music and family friendly activities to enhance the visitor experience and create a destination event for tourists and locals to further drive footfall to the town.” 

Newquay BID is a not-for-profit limited company, which aims is to support local businesses through delivery of four key themes, which include marketing, events, Cleaner Greener Safer, and business support.