A debate was led in Parliament by Newquay’s MP on the tri-service safety officer (TSSO) role and its importance to communities in Cornwall. 

Steve Double highlighted the trailblazing work being carried out with the role during his Adjournment Debate. 

The scheme is co-funded by the police, fire service, and NHS/South West Ambulance Trust, and as such fulfils a variety of important roles in the communities in which the organisation is based.  

Mr Double spoke about the great value that the role brings, in terms of the variety of incidents and support that the TSSO’s are able to respond to and provide, as well as the need to ensure they are properly funded. 

He said: “The tri-service safety officer role is another example where Cornwall is leading the way, with an innovative and great value position that delivers great value for the communities the TSSO’s serve. 

“I was pleased to be able to highlight the many positives of the TSSO role in a debate that I led in Parliament, and it was great to see the minister recognise their contribution and give his support to the role.

“I will continue to do all I can to promote this role and continue to advocate for its roll out to communities that need them across Mid-Cornwall.”