A LOCAL historian has joined the debate over the future of a prominent rundown building in the centre of St Austell.
Lyndon Allen has spoken out after St Austell and Newquay MP Noah Law conducted an online poll about what should happen to the former General Wolfe pub building off Truro Road.
The Labour politician’s survey focused on three main options. In total, 370 people responded to the poll with the result being: 179 in favour of the potential idea of demolishing the building to carry out road improvements and create a more attractive public street scene, 107 wanting the creation of flats for professional people and 84 favouring a scheme to create a facility for young people.
Mr Allen, who founded the St Austell History Group which has 7,000 members on Facebook, is against the idea of demolishing the building.
He said: “I decided to see what the members of the group thought on this most important subject, so I ran a 48-hour poll.
“Many of my members are outraged at the thought of the demolition of such an iconic, listed building. It is also one of the oldest buildings in the town as it was built in 1780 for Edward Coode.”
A total of 789 people took part with the majority, 496, voting for the building to be used as a public space or museum. Another 124 wanted the building to become accommodation or living space, while 62 wished to see the return of a pub.
Only 47 voted for demolition, 40 wanted the building to become a community space for young and old, and there were 10 votes each for the ideas of the building being an employment skills centre or a music venue.
Mr Allen said: “There were also over 250 comments left on the group by angry residents in just 24 hours!
“I think it's about time that Cornwall Council asked the question properly, to let the 29,000-plus residents of the town have their say.
“We have already lost 73 per cent of the town’s historic buildings either for road widening or redevelopment schemes.”
There has been long-running disagreement over what should be done with the grade II listed building,
Cornwall Council, which has involvement through Conserv Facilities Ltd, has told St Austell Town Council the premises will be used to house homelessness people.
However, the town council is strongly against this idea and has been pressing Cornwall Council over “the continued neglect” of the building by Conserv Facilities.
Town councillors fear “more placements of people with chaotic lifestyles” in the town centre will cause further anti-social behaviour problems.
Conserv Facilities bought the former pub a few years ago with the intention of refurbishing its apartments for use by homeless people. After a series of feasibility studies for alternative uses, the company has come back to its original idea.
The former pub building has become a location for anti-social behaviour and squatters have had to be evicted.
Town clerk David Pooley has been holding discussions about the building with Cornwall Council.