THE village of Grampound is gearing up to host its annual carnival on Saturday, September 7.

Carnival week at the village has always provided an opportunity for the village to bring the community closer together and this year is sure to put smiles on faces.

A fete will be held at the Grampound recreation ground from 1pm onwards on the day, which features a car boot sale, fairground rides, animals, giant lawn games, live music and James Dundon’s fairground organ will also return.

Hot food will be supplied by AJ’s Catering Van and The Little Greek Grill, while cream teas, ice creams, sweets, donuts and a licensed bar will be present.

The money raised in this year’s fete is going towards Cornwall Hospice Care and Grampound’s carnival fund. The vibrant and bustling carnival procession is scheduled to begin at 6pm, while live music will be performed by soul band Still Dizzy at 9pm in the village hall.

In the lead-up to the carnival, the Roger Paynter Memorial Match will take place at the recreation ground on Wednesday, September 4, at 6.15pm, while the village hall plays host to a carnival quiz night on Thursday and a prize bingo evening on Friday, doors open at 7pm for both.