Truro fundraisers are standing in solidarity with people in Malawi in a moment of reflection ahead of Christian Aid Week 2023. 

The focus of this year’s appeal is on farming communities who have been battling against the climate change and cost of living crises to make a living. 

Their newest crop is the pigeon pea which, although small, is a hardy seed, better able to withstand severe weather.

Supporters have been planting seeds and many of the crops grown will be used to raise funds during the annual appeal week (May 14 to 20). Sue Pettit has been a church rep in Truro since 1980, organising various fundraising activities for Christian Aid; this year, as well as hosting a coffee morning, she took time out to plant pea seeds as an act of solidarity.

“These tiny seeds are vital to farmers in Malawi, and by planting our seeds here we can show how small acts done together can make a big difference,” she said.

“I’m committed to supporting the work of Christian Aid – it brings me close to people in desperate need worldwide. 

“This year, I’ll be doing a house-to-house collection for the first time in several years, and I look forward to our coffee morning on May 20 which is well-supported by the Truro churches.”

Money raised during Christian Aid Week will go towards work being done locally by the Nandolo Farmers’ Association to help people find practical and sustainable ways out of poverty, such as gaining the skills to grow more resilient crops, restore soil fertility, increase harvests and earn more.

In March, disaster struck during the growing season when the southern part of the country was hit by Cyclone Freddy. More than 1,000 people died and more than half a million lost their homes. 

Floods and landslides caused widespread destruction, with roads and bridges washed away, cutting off communities and making relief efforts more difficult.     

Anyone who would like to show their support and join with this act of solidarity is encouraged to share their pea planting photos on social media on May 9 with the hashtags #VIPeas and #CAWeek.

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