A Newquay surf therapy charity is calling on people to collectively paddle the entire length of the UK coastline to raise vital funds.

The Wave Project in Fore Street has launched its nationwide ‘Get on Board’ challenge, which will be held throughout September.

Registration has opened for the month-long event that aims to collectively cover the 18,000 kilometres UK coastline while raising funds towards funding the surf therapy programmes.

Participants from every corner of the UK can choose any type of board from surfboards to paddleboards, skateboards to bodyboards to complete their personal challenges.

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Ramon Van de Velde, the chief executive officer of The Wave Project said: “This event not only supports the charity’s vital work but also promotes physical and mental wellbeing for all participants. It's a win-win, and a fantastic opportunity for people to challenge themselves, connect with others, as well as contribute to a great cause.

“Our amazing team of staff and volunteers work so hard all year round, all around the UK, to help improve children’s mental health through Surf Therapy and the healing powers of the ocean. With the funds raised by this event we’ll be able to help more young people facing mental health challenges or social isolation, and this is very much needed.”

Former participant turned The Wave Project volunteer, Elsy said: “The Wave Project's Surf Therapy transformed my life as a young person. It broke through my isolation, introduced me to the joy of surfing, and helped me forge lifelong friendships. It gave me a genuine sense of connection.

“Now, for the Get On Board challenge, I'm committing to catch a wave every day, rain or shine. I hope friends, family, and people everywhere will join in to support this incredible cause that changes lives like it changed mine.”

Founded in 2010, The Wave Project offers the world's first Surf Therapy course funded by a government health service. Based in Cornwall, the charity has expanded across the southwest of England to North Yorkshire, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Wight, Brighton and London, with over 10,000 young people having accessed The Wave Project Surf Therapy programme to date. 

Their latest challenge offers flexibility in how people participate. Individuals can set personal targets or join with friends, colleagues, or classmates to reach collective goals. Every pound raised equates to one kilometre towards the overall target.

Those taking part can track their progress, share their journey and connect with fellow participants across the country by using #GetOnBoardWithTWP on socials.

Registrations are now open. Participants will receive a digital resource pack to assist with their fundraising efforts. To join the Get On Board challenge or for more information, visit www.waveproject.co.uk/get-on-board