FUNDRAISER Jessica Pascoe has hailed the success of her latest charity extravaganza in Cornwall.

Every two years Jessica organises a big event raising money for causes close to her heart.

This year she staged a charity day at Penwithick Social Club near St Austell to collect money for three charities.

The day featured entertainment from the Dreckly Boys male voice choir, Wicked Lollipops, Redial Destination and Shooter, and to finish the evening there was the Nightchasers disco.

Jessica, who had been arranging the day since February, said: “There was a huge raffle and three auctions. The prizes were all donated by local businesses and family and friends.

“And there was a charity back wax with Christopher Cloke having his back waxed to raise money.

“We ran a pre-loved stall, a tombola stall, a tombola teddy stall, various competitions, kids and adult bingo, and other fun activities. A local 12-year-old lad sold his homemade jewellery, and his mum sold her homemade cards.

“The final amount raised was a massive £2,545. The money will go to: The Brain Tumour Charity, which I'm supporting because of my uncle; Combat Stress, for my brother who was blown up in Afghanistan in 2009; and The Veterans Charity, for all my family and friends who have served for their Queen/King and country.

“A total of £400 will be sent straight to The Veterans Charity because Christopher Cloke had his back waxed specially for that charity. The remainder of the money, £2,145, will be split three ways.

“I would like to thank each and every one of the people who supported the day: all my family and friends who helped me on the stalls; Penwithick Social Club and charity walker Chris West for their kind donations; Penwithick Community Hall for their help and letting me use their venue; all the bands and the Black Mafia Motorcycle Club Royal Green Jacket Veterans, from London, who gave up their time, all free of charge; and most of all the people who put their hands in their pockets to raise the money. Without all these guys, it wouldn't have happened.”