MEMBERS of a local Oddfellows Friendship Group enjoyed an afternoon visit to Kresen Kernow recently. Each member was given a presentation pack with a history of the site, formerly the Redruth Brewery and also found out about the work of the modern archive and library which included the opportunity to try out the interactive displays and view some of the treasures in the room. The visit gave one member, Ken Thomas the opportunity to present his late father’s records relating to burials at Sithney Church dating from the 1930s to the archives whilst another, Reuben Long found a photograph of himself in one of the books in the centre which depicted him acting as a ‘stickler’ - a referee in a Cornish wrestling match.  The day was declared a great success and a real eye opener for those members who had not previously visited. The Oddfellows Friendship Group are holding a coffee and cake morning from 10.30am until noon on Saturday, June 29, at the Oddfellows Hall, 49 Green Lane, Redruth TR15 1LL. Members, guests and potential members are assured of a warm welcome and there are no charges for refreshments with a good chat assured as well.