A “much needed” care home and specialist care facility will be built on the site of a former hospital in Redruth after a planning application was unanimously approved. 

The former Trengweath Hospital will be demolished to make way for the new facilities.

The plans were approved by Cornwall Council’s west sub-area planning committee when it met in Camborne on Monday. 

Some concerns had been raised about increased traffic in the area but councillors said that the potential benefits outweighed any harm.

Under the proposals a 52-bed care home will be built on the site along with a specialist care facility, homes for over-55s and staff accommodation. Some of the development will see existing buildings on the site, including Trengweath House and Trengweath Cottage, reused and extended.

Local Cornwall councillor Barbara Ellenbroek said she supported the proposals but was concerned about traffic going to and from the site. She said: “I have no worries at all about what they want to do on the site, we need care homes, we need extra care and homes for over-55s – it is  a good use of the site. My real concern is the extra traffic and particularly the entrance to the site.”

Under the plans a one-way system will be deployed on the site so that traffic enters from one end and exits via the back. 

However, Cllr Ellenbroek said that it was already busy in the area and she was concerned that additional traffic going to and from the site could make it worse.

She said: “My major, major, major concern is how on earth is this going to be properly managed? How can we make sure that visitors and staff always exit from the back of the site?”

Committee members said they recognised the concerns and some suggestions were made for how to manage the site. However, highways officers said that these could be difficult to implement. It was suggested that once the development is complete a review should take place to monitor the impact of traffic going to and from the site.

The committee welcomed the application and many were pleased to see a plan coming forward to provide new care facilities. Andrew Mitchell said he thought it was a “brilliant” application and asked adult social care staff about how needed these facilities are.

They said: “There is a really high need, especially in the Camborne Redruth area, for specialist care homes. The stock we have in Cornwall is woefully inadequate for the needs in Cornwall.

“To get a purpose built, modern care home in an area with a high level of need is a real strategic priority for us in adult care. I am sure you are aware of the troubles we have got in hospitals with people stuck in beds as they have nowhere to go as the capacity that we have is so limited.”

The committee voted unanimously to approve the planning application in line with officers’ recommendations