THE Cornish fishing industry is set to benefit after a compensation scheme was announced to support pollack fishermen.

The Secretary of State for DEFRA has issued a ministerial directive for a compensation scheme for those fishermen most impacted by the zero total allowable catch decision on pollack which was recommended by the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas last year.

The changes left many Cornish fishermen in ports like Newlyn, Mevagissey and Newquay, who have traditionally relied on the pollack quota, without income at short notice.

MP Steve Double, who has been leading a campaign to support impacted fishermen, said: “I am delighted to see the Environment Secretary this evening announce a compensation scheme to support those fishermen most impacted by the Zero TAC pollack allowance.

“The Environment Secretary has listened and taken action, helped greatly by evidence provided to him from Cornish fishermen from places like Mevagissey and Newquay, and I'd particularly like to thank the fishermen from these communities and everyone who contacted me for taking the time to work constructively with me to help make the case for this support. 

“This shows that the government is on the side of Cornish fishermen and I am pleased to played a part in them reaching this decision.”