A FILM made by Turner Prize nominee Cornelia Parker will be showing at the Eden Project throughout the summer and beyond.

The tourist attraction near St Austell has worked with the acclaimed British artist to screen The Future (Sixes and Sevens) from Friday, May 24, through to November.

The thought-provoking film looks at an uncertain future through the eyes of six and seven-year-olds, with the children sharing their hopes and fears.

An Eden Project spokesperson said: “The film’s title refers to the idiom ‘at sixes and sevens’, meaning confusion and disarray, while drawing inspiration from the 1964 television documentary Seven Up!, which similarly captured the perspectives of seven-year-olds on their futures.

“Presented across two screens in a form of interactive dialogue, prompt questions elicit a range of striking responses, ranging from the humorous to profoundly insightful.”

Cornelia, who was born in the 1950s, is a member of the Royal Academy of Arts and has received an OBE and a CBE.

She said: “I am delighted to be able to show my film The Future (Sixes and Sevens) at the Eden Project. It is a perfect context, as it is all about preserving and understanding the flora of our planet. The future of humanity and all living things is in jeopardy.

“The film is a shout-out from six- and seven-years-old, prompting adults to ensure that they have a future to look forward to, and to act now on their behalf.”

Eden Project senior arts curator Misha Curson said: “It’s a huge honour to work with Cornelia and to host this film in our Core Gallery.

“The film contributes perfectly to Eden’s mission to inspire positive action for the planet.

“The planetary emergency is a human issue; it affects different people in different ways.

“Listening to and platforming children's voices, imaginations, hopes and fears is critical. We hold their future in our hands.

“As part of our associated engagement programme, we will create opportunities with our young audiences to inspire creativity, to give them a voice and a sense of agency.”

The engagement programme will include workshops and other activities.