FEARS have been raised a Newquay crossroads has become more dangerous after safety measures were installed.

Cornwall Council has put in place no right turn signage at the Lane and Trencreek junctions and a temporary island along the centre of the A392 as part of a trail following several accidents after motorists stuck in a queue at the junctions have pulled out into oncoming traffic on the busy route.

But “pig-headed” drivers are still putting themselves and others at risk by turning right from the Trencreek junction to avoid having to go up to the roundabout below Hendra Holiday Park and from the junction at Lane, so they do not have to go around the Morrisons roundabout.

Others have been confused by the new road layout so Cornwall Council will be extending the temporary island and installing “clearer” signage.

Cornwall Council is due to decide whether the temporary traffic order will become a permanent one at the end of the year depending on whether the new layout has been a success.

Resident Sharon Lovatt said: “I pass most days and there is no more traffic building up from the Trencreek side especially, so it clearly works. It takes seconds to go up to the roundabout. It needs a traffic camera putting up to cover those two junctions as that would soon stop the chancers.”

Ian Head added: “As someone that lives on that road I appreciate what they are trying to do with the left turn only as it’s been needed for a long time. But surely if you are trialling something then it needs to be monitored or how else will you get a meaningful result? Get cameras there and prosecute the stupid and self-entitled or the whole process is pointless.”

A Cornwall Council spokesperson said: “It’s disappointing that a small number of motorists have chosen to ignore the new restrictions and put themselves and others at risk. We will be extending the length of the temporary island and improving the signage to prevent further issues at this location.”

Colan Cornwall councillor John Fitter added: “It is regrettable that some motorists are not giving this new system a good trial and are just flouting it to quicken their journey.

“Highways are aware of it, and they are going to extend the temporary island and install more clear signage saying there is no right turn on either side. Maybe people have not understood there is no right turn and I readily accept the signage is not adequate and this will now be addressed and made clearer as some people are confused.

“Hopefully then this will settle down and the pig-headed ones will observe the rules and the others will be less confused.

“The bollard style coning in the temporary island has been designed to allow emergency vehicles cross over and also direct traffic to keep in a lane.

“The bollards are not permanent as this is a trail. The ongoing consultation will be held over six months and the trail will last a year. This will be evaluated, and a decision will be made at the end of the year whether it will be permanent.”