FEARS have been raised a major route into Newquay could be eroded away unless urgent action is taken to stabilise Whipsiderry cliff.

Save Whipsiderry Cliffs and Newquay Town Council are concerned the B3276 coastal road could be in jeopardy within the next two years due to the current rate of erosion

The town council has written to Cornwall Council calling for an urgent meeting to hear what the unitary authority plans are to safeguard the vital road following a call for action from the campaign group.

Assurances are also sought to ensure a lockable gate Cornwall Council wants to install at the top of the beach steps does not become a permanent fixture.

Save Whipsiderry Cliffs addressed the town council at its meeting on Wednesday.

The action group said: “Following the three significant cliff failures at Whipsiderry at the current rate of retreat it could be enough to affect the road within two years. Will Newquay Town Council challenge Cornwall Council to investigate the risk to the B3276 coastal road?

“Also, will Newquay town council challenge Cornwall Council over the steps at Whipsiderry.

“The most recent fall on Saturday, April 30 has left the cliff behind the safety netting severely compromised while we reluctantly accept that the steps currently cannot be considered to be safe for use.

“We are seeking a commitment from Cornwall Council to provide assurances of their intention to protect the longevity of Whipsiderry steps to maintain future safe access to Whipsiderry beach.

“The steps at Whipsiderry provide a vital escape route for tidal cut off and the only safe access to the beach.

“The community, visitors and local businesses have lost an invaluable asset through no fault of their own.”

Cllr Sarah Thomson said: “The road is going to be a huge issue. Something has to be done to reinforce the cliff. The road has got nowhere to go.

“The erosion is not far from that road. It is going to be cutting off the potentially the whole community to the north and one of the major access routes into Newquay.

“The netting over the steps is just to prevent loose material following rabbits that burrow into the cliff. It is not a preventative measure for collapse. That netting is not fit for purpose doing that.

“Cornwall Council need to have a strategy for doing something with the cliff. It needs to be looking into the future on this. “They cannot just ignore it. We need that future proofing.”

Mayor Drew Creek said: “We are going to challenge Cornwall Council over the steps and amongst that will be talking to them about the road.”

Cornwall Council has previously declined having a meeting with the town council to discuss the Whipsiderry cliff issue.

Cornwall Council have been approached for comment.