A talk by multi award-winning ecological gardener, teacher and artist Sid Hill is happening at Trebah Gardens in Falmouth on Friday, October 11.

The chat will explore Sid's work and approach in designing, creating and managing ecological gardens. Discussing his research and projects with edible forest gardens and edible meadows, their ethnobotanical history and combine an artistic touch.

Providing take home ideas to thoughtfully tend the land, inspired by rewilding and traditional ecological knowledge. The talk will be suited to both amateur gardeners and professionals alike, weaving stories and practical techniques so learning is accessible and applicable in any garden or landscape.

Sid’s passion is to create landscapes and artworks that thrive with wildlife, display natural beauty, restoring environments and improving peoples lives. He hopes to inspire others with his contagious fascination with plants and practical approaches to sustainability.

To book tickets, visit: www.trebahgarden.co.uk/events/talks/gardeners-as-ecosystem-engineers