Cornwall's newest ‘folk, blues and beyond’ music club, The Mix, will open at Helston Old Chapel next Thursday, August 1. 

Allen Greenall, a former St Ives September Festival committee stalwart, is launching the venture and  Cornish country and folk duo True Foxes, who will be appearing at St Ia Church during the September Festival, are booked for the opening night.  

They will be followed by Australian duo Ernest Aines and Camille Trail, as part of their UK tour, on Saturday, August 10, local four-piece band Wake The River on Tuesday, September 10 and Bristol-based guitar and fiddle duo Kit Hawes and Aaron Catlow on Saturday. November 9.  

Ropey Folk, the Celtic band which includes Allen Greenall, will be the support act at all The Mix nights.

Music club founder Allen explains: “There is a massive resurgence of acoustic singer-songwriters and musicians within the loosely termed ‘folk music’ scene and my aim with The Mix is to bring as many of them as possible to Helston”.

“If you want to get involved as a musician please do get in touch. Come along and share the music!”

For more information about upcoming events at The Mix and to book tickets, visit: