A SHOWCASE concert celebrating music and the spoken word will be held in St Austell on Friday, March 21.

The concert, starting at 7pm in St John’s Methodist Church in the town centre, is being organised by the St Austell Festival of Music and Speech and aims to showcase the talent in the wider St Austell area.

A festival spokesperson said: “The concert will feature the talents of the young to the young at heart. The childlike enthusiasm and excellence of the Biscovey Infants Choir will be alongside that of the well-known Gribben Bay Barbershop Quartet, who bring more experience of performing to the stage.

“The evening will showcase a range of music and spoken word. Musical items include a brass duet, a performance by the combined St Austell Chamber Orchestra and Restormel Junior Strings, choirs and the Penrice Rock Band.

“Spoken word ranges from solo poetry recitation to monologues and choral speaking.”

The latest festival of music and speech which featured hundreds of performers was staged at the church from November 28 to December 6 last year. At the time it was stated that there would be no gala concert at the end of the festival but that a celebration concert would be held in the spring.

Speaking on behalf of the festival committee, Rebecca Thomas said: “We believe that the concert has something to offer everyone as it covers a huge remit from rock and pop to songs in German and ensemble pieces.

“It also showcases the spoken word in its variety of forms from solo to choral speaking, and from serious to humorous items.”

Tickets cost £3 for single entry or £5 for two people. Under 18s will be admitted free of charge.

The annual music and speech festival, whose website can be found at www.staustellfestival.org, was founded in 1948.