THE Edward Hain Centre will mark a year since the building’s purchase from the NHS with an Open Day celebration from 10am to 4pm on Saturday, September 14.

The day will see an auction, sales, raffles, live music, video and photo exhibitions, and all-day refreshments. Everyone is welcome, and admission is free.

There will also be tours of the Centre to show people the difference a year has made. The change is noticeable as soon as you arrive: the grounds are neat, and overgrowth has been removed from the building exterior. Inside, the renovated spaces look bright and welcoming. 

What makes the Centre’s first birthday more meaningful is the recent granting of £31,000 in Town Deal funding from Cornwall Council. “The timing makes it feel like the icing on our birthday cake and we are very grateful”, said EHC Chair, Lynne Isaacs. 

The grant covers the completion of some ongoing upstairs renovations, as well as other vital items which were holding up progress, like widening a fire door.

However, with the lift now repaired too, thanks to a recent and generous donation, rooms will soon be ready for tenants on the first floor. Expected to move in by late September, these will be the Centre’s first full-time health and wellbeing providers.  

Photo of community workshop (Volunteer Cornwall)
Community workshop from Volunteer Cornwall (Submitted)

“We’ve had the downstairs open for months, with several ongoing clinics and community groups happening, “having the upstairs open, too, is a big step for us,” said the Centre’s manager, Sharron Goldingay, who has overseen all the renovations so far.

The extent of work still needed is a reminder that fundraising is an ongoing challenge. As trustee Phil Barnett, known in St. Ives for founding the Kidz Youth Theatre, said, “It seems that many people thought, once the building was purchased, that was it.

“But like all charities, our fundraising is nonstop, whether from grants, donations, or events. So the Open Day will have a fundraising element, too.’ 

Phil is adamant that what’s most important to the EHC team is for everyone to come and enjoy themselves. “We all wanted to celebrate our first year with the community, so we’ve organised a fabulous day.

“There’s something for everyone, from items to buy at ‘donate what you like’ prices, to bidding on some fabulous auction prizes donated by local businesses. But we reckon it’s worth coming along just to take a peek at the improvements, and grabbing a cup of tea or coffee while you’re there.”

“Something for everyone’ is a central aim of the Centre itself - to provide community, health and wellbeing services across the board. And with services soon to expand, their first birthday celebrations sound all set to live up to that phrase, and do Edward Hain proud.”