THERE is due to be a slight delay for homeless people moving into a new modular housing scheme in Newquay to ensure the units meet current regulations.
Cornwall Council is updating the insulation levels on the roofs of the 18 one-bedroomed pods Cormac is erecting on its behalf at the bottom of Tregunnel Hill car park.
The scheme, which will provide short to medium term accommodation was scheduled to complete the scheme on May 15, at which point the units were due to be handed over to the council and occupied in stages.
But Trenance Cornwall councillor Olly Monk stated the completion date has been extended by two weeks to update the insulation levels on the roofs.

A resident, who did not want to be named, said: “There are delays to the homeless pods and its Cornwall Council’s fault.
“The authority bought the pods three plus years ago and are now so out of date they no longer meet building specifications, so they are having to be refitted.”
Cllr Monk said: “The modular units are awaiting final commissioning including extra insulation on the roof.
“It will take an extra two weeks to update the insulation levels on the roof. The work is booked in and should start imminently. It’s not a safety issue just an insulation requirement.”
The car park has been resurfaced and relined as part of the works.
Two height restriction barriers are also being installed to stop travellers from being able to set up camp.
A CCTV camera will be put in place at the entrance of the main car park to monitor the area and act as a deterrent against antisocial behaviour.
Some residents are opposed to the homeless housing scheme due to concerns they will suffer crime and antisocial behaviour from the ‘stage 2’ accommodation, which is aimed at people who have had some help and support to ‘move-on’ to a more sustainable housing solution.
Many also fear the scheme will turn into a ghetto and that the loss of 120 car parking spaces could worsen traffic congestion in Newquay during the summer months and exacerbate parking problems on residential streets.