A dad who ordered a £34 curry from a takeaway went to collect – and discovered it had shut down.

Iain Grant, 49, paid for the spicy meal from restaurant Curry Baba using website DineOrder.

He was going to enjoy the Indian with his daughter as the pair visited Falmouth in Cornwall.

But despite his order being accepted – when he arrived he found the windows of the restaurant white-washed out and the lights off.

Curry Baba said the restaurant has closed down but there was an error with the website and online orders following the closure. 

Iain, a teacher from Birmingham, said: "We had arrived in Falmouth after a long journey.

"We were all quite hungry, so we took a quick look online and ordered ourselves a chicken korma, lamb saag and another dish.

"When we got to the restaurant there was clearly no business going on inside. The windows where blocked up and nobody was in.

"I dropped them a call, and weirdly they picked up very quickly. They were very apologetic, but it was just so bizarre.

"One of their staff who I spoke to said that they would be closed for at least a few weeks – and they promised to repay me.

"Unfortunately I've still not been paid several weeks later. I've had a few calls from them since saying that the money is coming, but I've not seen any yet.

"I also spoke to Dine Order, who were also very apologetic and said that it should not be possible - and promised to repay me too.

"I just find the whole thing quite funny. If you can't laugh at these things, what else can you do."

He says he was assured that he would be repaid but says he has still not received his cash over two weeks later.

A spokesman for Curry Baba apologised and said if orders are accepted by mistake to contact them for a refund.

DineOrder has been contacted for comment.