NEWQUAY reportedly experienced a 31.5 per cent rise in crime in May compared to the same period last year.

Inspector Guy Blackford stated stalking and harassment, public order and theft related offences have resulted in “many of these increases.”

He said: “A similar picture unfortunately to April with a rise in reported crime of 31.5 per cent.

“As stated last month many of these increases are in the reporting of stalking and harassment, public order and theft related offences.

“The Newquay police team are working hard to bring to justice individuals in the town centre who are committing thefts and public order offences, and we hope to bring you positive news very soon.

“The majority of the increase in crime was at the start of May and after several arrests this increase has now reduced.

“Hot spot policing is going well in the town with increased patrol on three days a week in the early evenings. This will increase from mid-July to seven days a week in the town centre.

“Feedback from members of the public is positive and we are seeing a reduction in antisocial behaviour and street drinking in the targeted areas.”