CORNISH ‘craftivists’ are gathering next week to send messages of climate concern to local politicians.

Ahead of the General Election, constituents will be weaving, knitting and embroidering gifts with environmental slogans for their electoral candidates, to show that nature and the climate crisis is high on voters’ agenda.

The Great Big Green Craftivism Workshop will be held at The Elms in Redruth on Wednesday, June 12, with the option to join online or at Mid-Cornwall Climate and Eco Hub in Truro.

The aim is to remind political candidates of the climate and nature emergencies facing Cornwall – from flooding and coastal erosion to poorly insulated houses and clean energy.

“Craftivism is a great way to engage politicians, as receiving gifts can be better than an angry letter or a petition sign. We’re saying this is not just my problem, this is everybody's problem,” says Pippa Stillwell, a climate ambassador at the Women’s Institute.

Participants can use their imagination to craft messages such as paintings, embellished handkerchiefs, mug mats, ties and green heart badges and hangings.

The Great Big Green Week (June 8 to 16) is a nationwide celebration of community action to tackle climate change. The week will remind candidates that climate change is a top five issue for constituents, with 83 per cent of UK residents thinking that whoever is in government should do more.

The event will be opened by Cheryl Marriott, director of nature and people at Cornwall Wildlife Trust who will share insights from the climate and nature hustings she has been chairing across the county.

Sarah Perry and Sarah Clasper, from Redruth upcycling shop Make a Mends, will cover the history of craftivism, which has become a popular form of gentle protest in the last decade.

They will then inspire those watching online and in person by showing them examples of what can be produced with various materials. Participants will break into constituency groups and gear their crafted gifts to certain politicians.

The hope is to encourage conversation, connection and to raise awareness of the Climate and Nature Bill, a new environmental action plan for the UK.

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